Clinical Care Support, Whenever You Need it
Here in the Clinical Care Department, our #1 priority is to help make your transition to therapy as simple as possible! We are here to help you improve your life by guiding and monitoring your therapy with the latest technology. We provide wireless modems & Bluetooth™ connectivity for ease of access and we offer the most state of the art equipment to ensure the stress-free transition into PAP therapy.
We Will Troubleshoot Your Equipment & Supplies
If you ever have trouble with your CPAP/BiLevel machine, humidifier, mask, tubing, or anything related to your therapy, our trained staff is ready to assist you. All of our technicians are thoroughly trained in all our equipment and are ready to help.
Clinicians Available to Help During Your Initial Setup
We have developed an adherence program to ensure you, the patient, the best therapy possible. We offer personal therapist support specialists to walk you through your first 90 days of compliance.
24/7 Emergency Support Line
Having trouble with your therapy that just can't wait? Give us a call at our dedicated number so we can help you at any time of day or night.
We Work with Your Physician to Analyze Your Therapy
We have registered Respiratory Therapists available to analyze and troubleshoot therapy readings from your CPAP Machine.
We Guide You Through Your Compliance Period
At Nationwide Medical, we are aware of all compliance requirements and are confident that we can guide you successfully towards continued therapy.
We Satisfy all PAP Therapy Prescriptions and Orders
By establishing good communication with your physician, we can process all needs for your therapy in a timely manner.